Mommatown is an interconnected community. When you log into one site, you are logged into ALL of our very custom sites, making your login more convenient. Our collective sites offer these features:
Home School Kids
- Make and sell crafts (WeSchool)
- Post your local kid-biz (WeSchool)
- Participate in -
– Writing Contests
– Game Challenges
– Drawing Contests
– Writing Contests
– Win Prizes
– Write "How To"s for fun
– Make something and sell it
- Access free on-line materials
– Educational Games
– Educational Non Fiction
– Fiction
– Math Practice Drills
– English Skill Drills
– Learn Entrepreneurial Skills
– Learn to Budget
- Suggest activities or games you'd like to see on Mommatown to help you learn
- Registration / membership is free
Home School Orgs
- Define your org group by
creating an org home page on WeSchool,
invite others to your page,
encourage homeschool
meeting and event
- Offer your org to relevant opted-in users using WeSchool's free reachout-tool
- Link to your already-existing blog, site, forum, meetup, twitter, facebook or other social account, so that WeSchool parents can find you out on the web
- Use our on-line tools, such as Book-Fair registration or set up other types of registrations, or sell educational materials on WeSchool.
- Suggest tools you'd like to see on Mommatown to help you manage
- Registration / Org management & membership is free
A little about our interconnected sites:
MOMMATOWN.COM KIDS: Read stories, practice math, enter contests, participate on science and other educational interactive pages, write your own stories or poetry. PARENTS: may organize their homeschooling page links, schedule, and set privacy settings for their children. ORGS: Allows homeschool organizations to post schedules and other information, and allows homeschool families to find these organizations, if desired.
WESCHOOL.ORG Allows users to buy and sell books and other items, post their service (dog-sitting or other kid powered biz), and learn to be entrepreneurs.
UNIQUE LOGIN Our sites are connected together in that you log in to one and you are logged in to all of them. We do not use 3rd party login scripting. For example, you can not log in to our sites using Facebook or Google. We use our own proprietary inner-site login scripting to aid in ease of use and keep our sites free from 3rd party tracking.
MODERATION Our site is privately owned by the developers that created it and, not a corporation. We have strict moderation policies geared toward the content of this site and protection of minors on this site. We freely ban any user that violates our policies, or that we deem as posting unsuitable material for this site. That means if we set a ban for certain language, and a user violates the rule, we ban them immediately and delete their content. There is an appeal process for users who would like to appeal the ban. Appeals rarely win, so please adhere to our rules. These strict policies are in place for the benefit of the minors on our site and our personal goals at keeping them safe and keeping the content of this site child friendly.
Other connected sites are also in development within the Mommatown family of sites. However, and will be the first to launch.